Frequently Asked Questions


How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders take between 5 and 7 business days to be received. Customers in Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. territories should expect delivery times of 2 to 4 weeks. Customers in Canada should expect delivery times of up to 4 weeks. Find more details on our Shipping & Processing page.

Can I change my order once it has been placed?

Our goal is to ship your order as soon as possible. Therefore, we are unable to change your order once you have submitted it.

How do I know if you received my order and when it has shipped?

If you have provided us with your email address, you will receive an email confirmation when we receive your order and another once your order has shipped.

How can I track my order?

Log in to your account and select Order History, then View Order. You can access the tracking number in the Order Shipments tab if the order has shipped.

Can I pay for an order without a credit card?

We accept PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, credit cards, debit cards or prepaid credit cards issued by a major bank online for payment.

How do I know that my credit card information is secure when I order from your website?

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software that is among the best available today for secure internet transactions. When you place an order online, this software encrypts all of your personal information, including your credit card number, so that it cannot be read as it travels over the internet.

Why is shipping and processing taxed on my order?

Individual states tell us that we must tax shipping and processing charges. This is not a company policy, but a state requirement.

What other shipping considerations should I be aware of?

Annie's Attic reserves the right to review orders and apply additional shipping charges if necessary. Should additional shipping charges be required, we will contact the email address provided on the order to review the shipping costs.

Why is Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) added to my order?

As a GST registrant, we are required by the Canada Revenue Agency to collect and remit GST for all products (print and electronic) delivered to Canadian addresses. Our GST/HST number is 89817 7290 RT0001.

Do you ship orders overseas?

We are not able to ship physical product to addresses outside of the U.S., U.S. territories and Canada. International customers can purchase many of our patterns, magazines, fiction books, audiobooks and more in electronic download format directly from our website.

Can I buy digital products if I live outside of the U.S. and Canada?

Yes! Our international customers can purchase electronic downloads using a credit card from anywhere in the world. Please note if you have physical product in your shopping cart, the address selections in the shopping cart are limited to U.S., U.S. territories and Canada.

Do you offer patterns or instructions in other languages?

We currently only offer patterns and instructions in English with U.S. terminology.

I submitted my order and got an error message. Did it go through?

If you have provided us with your email address, you will receive an email confirmation when we receive your order. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours, contact us at

On my last order an item was back-ordered. When will this item be available to ship?

We receive most of our back-ordered items at our warehouse within 30 days of the date orders are placed. If there is a delay in receiving the product, we will notify you by email.

Do you carry ... ?

Our website is updated frequently. You can search our website to locate our products or suggest new items here.

How do I update my shipping address?

You can change your address by signing in and selecting Manage Account, then Addresses. To update your address for non-subscription purchases, select Change Shipping Address. To update your address(es) for subscriptions, select Memberships & Subscriptions and update your information. 

How can I update my payment information?

You can change your payment information by signing in and selecting Manage Account, then Payment. For your security, we do not accept credit card information sent to us via email.

Please don't send credit card information to us via email as that isn't a secure method.

Website Help

How do I access my account?

Click on the menu button, then click Sign In or Create an Account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Please use the same email address that you use when making purchases on the website.

What do I do if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, please fill out the form on this page, and we will send you a password reset email. Click on the link within the email, and you will be directed to a page where you can create a new password.

How do I change my email address?

Click on the menu button, then click Sign In or Create an Account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Click on Manage Account and select Account Information, then click  Change Email and submit the required information. 

How do I access my digital purchases?

Your personal digital bookshelf keeps all of your digital products in one place. To log in, click on the menu button, then click Sign In or Create an Account. Once signed in, select Digital Bookshelf at the bottom of the menu. Use the same account every time you place an order to keep all of your patterns, classes, videos, books and other digital items in one convenient location.

To ensure your continual access to digital items and protect our designers' intellectual property, we cannot send digital items to customers over email. 

An item is missing from my digital bookshelf. How can I get it back?

Complete the form here and we will retrieve it. 

Why didn't I receive my email message?

Typically, when a customer cannot receive our email messages it is due to one of these causes: 

  • Typographical error in the email address entered during registration.
    We've found the most common reason that emails are not received is that a typographical error was made while entering an email address. Sign in and validate your account information.
  • Email filtered to spam folder.
    If this is your first message from us, your inbox may have filtered the email to your spam or junk folder. If you do not see an email that you were expecting from us, please check your spam and junk folders.   

  • Preferences or email filters may be blocking our email address.
    Most email filters control unwanted email by blocking email addresses originating from an unwanted source. If you suspect that an email filter is preventing you from receiving your order and shipping confirmations for orders from our website, you will need to add our email address to your address book or list of approved senders. 

I think I saw one of your patterns posted on someone's website. What should I do?

Please contact us via

Returns Policy

You may return eligible items within 21 days for an exchange, credit or refund. If the item is damaged upon receipt, please notify customer service. To initiate your return request, please visit the My Account section and initiate the return from the order you would like to return. Your request will be reviewed within two (2) business days. We reserve the right to deny any request. Once we authorize your return you will receive an email containing the return shipping address. Print the email and include it in your return package.

Items labeled All Sales Final are ineligible for returns, credit or refund. Items marked as All Sales Final includes clearance and drop-ship items. We will only refund items in new condition. We do not refund any items damaged through normal wear and tear. Any return for a bill-me order will be applied as store credit to your account.

We do not accept returns or refunds for downloaded material. However, if you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact us via

For more information, visit


Can you explain the skill levels used for the patterns?

Annie’s Attic uses defined skill levels to label projects, patterns and classes. The levels listed below are consistent across techniques for your convenience.

  • All Skill Levels: This label is most often used to describe general craft projects. These patterns or projects involve basic crafting skills with ample step-by-step instructions.
  • Beginner: These are easy projects that involve the most basic foundational skills and require little to no experience.
  • Confident Beginner: These are fairly simple projects that require familiarity with the craft and involve at least two different techniques.
  • Intermediate: These are moderately challenging projects that incorporate a wide variety of techniques beyond the basics.
  • Advanced: These are challenging projects that require an intuitive understanding of a pattern or chart and involve intricate or complex methods.

I'm having a problem making a pattern or kit. Who can I contact for help?

Please contact customer service via Be sure to include your name, email address, daytime phone number and the name of the item you have a question about. If the pattern is from a book or magazine, please include the pattern and publication names, the page number of the pattern and where exactly in the pattern you are having a problem.

What if I don't know how to perform a specific stitch?

To get help with how to perform a specific stitch, please see our stitch guide:

What are the metric conversions for yarn or hook sizes?

For a listing of metric conversions for yarn or hook sizes for crochet or knitting, please visit our stitch guide libraries for crochet and knitting tips and techniques.

Where can I find out what the abbreviations in patterns stand for?

For a listing of pattern abbreviations, please visit our stitch guide libraries for the specific technique.


How do I sign up for email offers?

You can opt-in to email and text message offers from Annie’s Attic in the My Account section by going to

My promotion code is not working, or I forgot to include my code with my order. May I still use it?

Please review the promotional code and make sure that it is valid. If it is still valid, contact us at and we will review your order. 

I am a business looking for opportunities to advertise on your website or in your magazines. Do you accept advertising?

Yes, we do! As one of our business-to-business services, we have both online and print ad space available. If you are interested in advertising with one of the Annie's Attic companies, please contact us at and we will direct you to our advertising department.

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