Getting Started
1. Choosing and preparing fabric To determine the dimensions of a stitched design on any fabric, use this formula: number of stitches across design area / number of threads per inch of fabric = size of fabric in inches. Add at least 3" to all outside edges of design area measurements, or cut fabric to measurements listed in the Materials section. For example, if your design area is 6"x 8", fabric should be cut at least 12" x 14". Cut fabric evenly along horizontal and vertical threads. To prevent raveling, hand overcast or machine zigzag the edges of fabric. To find the center of the fabric, fold in half vertically and horizontally. Mark center with a pin. Find the center of the graph by following the arrows to the center point. Most stitchers prefer starting at or near the center point. 2. Preparing floss When separating floss, always separate all six strands, then recombine the number of strands needed. To colorfast red floss tones, which sometimes bleed, hold floss under running water until water runs clear. Allow to air dry. 3. Starting, stitching and stopping Make all the top crosses on your cross-stitches face the same direction. To finish a thread, run the needle under the back side of several stitches and clip. Threads carried across the back of unworked areas may show through to the front, so do not carry threads. Finish off and start again in the next section. |