Standard Abbreviations
beg | beginning |
bet | between |
BO | bind off |
CC | contrast color |
ch | chain |
cn | cable needle |
CO | cast on |
dec | decrease |
dpn | double pointed needle(s) |
eor | every other row |
est | established |
inc | increase |
k1b | knit 1 in back loop of stitch |
k2tog | knit 2 stitches together (a right-slanting decrease) |
k or K | knit |
LH | left hand |
MC | main color |
meas | measures |
ndl | needle |
p1b | purl 1 in back loop of stitch |
p or P | purl |
patt | pattern |
pM | place marker |
psso | pass slipped stitch over knit (or purl) stitch |
rem | remain, remaining |
rep | repeat |
RH | right hand |
rnd | round |
RS | right side |
sk | skip |
sl | slip |
ssk | slip, slip, knit (a left-slanting decrease worked by slipping 2 stitches individually as if to knit to right-hand needle, reinserting tip of left needle through the front loops and knitting two stitches together from this position) |
sp | space |
St st | stockinette stitch |
st(s) | stitch(es) |
tbl | through back loops |
wyib | with yarn in back |
wyif | with yarn in front |
WS | wrong side |
yo | yarn over |
" | inch(es) |
* | repeat instructions following asterisk (or between first and last asterisks) number of times stated |
[] | repeat instructions within brackets number of times stated |
( ) | repeat instructions inside parentheses number of times stated |