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Skill Level: Beginner

Let instructor Patty Lyons show you how to diagnose and treat your ailing stitches in this class!

Patty Lyons
Knitting ER: How to Fix Your Mistakes
Patty Lyons, Instructor
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Patty Lyons, Instructor

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Patty first learned to knit when she was seven, but it wasn't until adulthood and working on Broadway as a Stage Manager that knitting became an obsession. Patty quickly moved from daily knitting to study, teaching and designing. When she made her obsession her full time job she started by running a local yarn shop in New York City and moved on to work for Lion Brand Studio to create the LBYS Education Center in NY. Patty is now full time designer whose designs are published in many magazines including Creative Knitting, as well as books by Noro, Cascade and Tahki Stacy Charles. See more of her work at

Other Classes Taught by Patty

FREE -- Class Overview
FREE -- Introduction
Knitting ER: Our Approach
Preventative Medicine: ...
Diagnosis: Reading Your ...
Unknitting (Tinking)
Ripping (Frogging)
Dropped Stitches
Cover Up (Fix Mistakes)
Class Wrap-Up
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Customer Reviews for Knitting ER: How to Fix Your Mistakes:

Average Rating:
5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 45 customers.)

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July 26, 2024
Carolyn A
This class is exactly what I need. I'm 86 years old and am taking up knitting again after about 25 years. When I look at projects that I didn't finish when I was knitting a lot, I did beautiful work. But now with macular degeneration in both eyes and numb fingers, I'm having a difficult time stitching - the STOCKINET stitch! So, I drop stitches, add stitches that are twisted and every other mistake you can think of. II NEED THIS CLASS! I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO LEARNING ER!
February 28, 2023
Cynthia H
Patty Lyons is an excellent teacher. I have been knitting for 60 plus years, and still learned things from this class. I have her other classes, and they are excellent too. I recommend this class to beginners, and old time knitters like me.
January 25, 2023
Monique R
Knitting ER How to Fix Your Mistakes belongs in every knitter's toolkit. I have knit for decades, and have learned so much from this course. Patty's explanations are clear and detailed. Little did I know that I would be applying some concepts learned in the course to my current project. Remember this course is yours forever, so you can go back and replay sections.Not having to rip an entire section but instead follow her steps to fix a dropped garter stitch -- priceless. I highly recommend this course.
November 21, 2021
Carrie R
Excellent instructor! I'm self-taught so lots of excellent pointers on how to correct my knitting. I definitely recommend it!
September 11, 2021
Linda C
I've just glanced at it, it looked good, can't wait to try it

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