Annie's Signature Designs by Lena Skvagerson

Read more about this wonderful designer below.

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Lena Skvagerson is the in-house exclusive designer for the Annie's Signature Designs, as well as, Creative Knitting Magazine, Crochet! Magazine, Crochet World and also the designer of many of the gorgeous projects for Knit and Crochet Now! TV show.

Lena started crocheting in kindergarten. Her first projects were worms -- crocheting back and forth, then bracelets, and then endless Barbie outfits. Soon she also discovered knitting. She was taught by a crafty teacher and says her mom or grandmother were not crafty at all. Her dad is a super handyman, so she thinks she got the genes from him, loving to construct with her own hands and textile.

Back in Sweden where Lena grew up there is a lot of crafting in preschool and afternoon school. They also take a weekly craft class from grade 1 through 9.

Today, after designing and making hundreds of patterns, Lena loves to start new projects. She is still as excited as a child on Christmas every time she gets started on something new: "I have been fortunate to be able to work with yarn since I was 22," she says.

In addition to all her crafty hobbies, Lena loves to spend time outdoors, hiking, being on the beach and spending fun times with friends (often combined with crocheting or knitting). She goes to the gym and does yoga a couple of times per week too. Lena has even been caught crocheting on the treadmill!

Yes -- She is an obsessed crafter!