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Free Preview: Learn to Restyle Vintage Quilts
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Do you have a favorite vintage quilt that's too fragile to use? Now you can learn how to reproduce that vintage pattern to make a new quilt in updated colors and fabrics.

Nancy Scott
Learn to Restyle Vintage Quilts
Nancy Scott, Instructor
Annie's Creative Studio Logo

Annie's Creative Studio members get this class, plus 2,050+ more classes and videos and over 1,600 patterns. You could too!

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  Lesson Description Time
To see a complete materials list for all class projects, download this Class Materials PDF. For your added convenience, you can purchase many of the same supplies used or recommended by the class instructor directly from Annie's. Most supplies are available in a variety of colors and sizes.

Additional Supplies and Notions
FriXion Ball Gel Pens-Heat Erasable 3/Pkg.
FriXion Ball Gel Pens-Heat Erasable 3/Pkg.
Bosal Splendid Web Plus Fusible Web Adhesive
Bosal Splendid Web Plus Fusible Web Adhesive

Related Books, Magazines & Classes
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Quilter's World Summer 2013

FREE -- Class Overview
FREE -- Introduction
Redesigning a Classic Quilt
Pinwheel Throw
Inner & Outer Borders
Tumbling Blocks Bed Runner
Orange Peel Bed Quilt
Finishing the Projects
Class Wrap-Up
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Class Project Photos

Customer Reviews for Learn to Restyle Vintage Quilts:

Average Rating:
3.5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 2 customers.)

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June 23, 2018
Joy S
It is ok. It has a skill level of "Confident Beginner". However, I just didn't feel like it had the zing of inspiration to make you want to try it. Sorry, that just how I feel, someone else might not react to this the same way.
July 4, 2015
Donna S
This is a very interesting and very informative, happy to have it. Thank you.

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