Scandinavian Angel
- Size 10 crochet cotton thread: 200 yds. white, 25 yds. cream
- Six-strand embroidery floss: 2 yds, each burgundy and dk. blue, 1 yd. each dk. green and gold
- 4" gold 1/16"-wide metallic cord
- Two 8" pieces burgundy 1/8"-wide ribbon
- 1" StyrofoamŪ ball
- 7" x 7" piece of cardboard
- Half of an 11 1/2" circle cut from poster board
- Two 31/4" pieces white 3-mm. chenille stems
- Polyester fiberfill
- Fabric stiffener
- Transparent tape
- Three plastic sandwich bags
- Plastic wrap
- Craft glue
- Cream sewing thread
- Soft toothbrush
- Clear non-yellowing acrylic spray glaze
- Rustproof straight pins
- Embroidery needle
- Size 7 steel crochet hook or hook needed to obtain gauge