Learn to Embroider Part 1: Materials video
Learn to Embroider Part 1: Materials
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Meet The Expert
Surrounded by fabric and farmland, Linda Augsburg loves playing with patterns and prints, and she dreams of a day when she can finish a sewing project at the same moment that the bobbin empties. Most of Linda's adult life has been spent behind the editorial desk at various quilting and craft publications. While she learned to sew as a 4-H'er, she traded garment sewing for... Full bio »

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An ancient craft that's back in style! Whether you're a quilter, sewer, crocheter, knitter or someone who simply enjoys beautiful stitchery, embroidery is a skill you can learn and master with a little instruction and practice.

In this Quilt & Sew Tips online video class brought to you by Annie's Creative Studio, needlecraft expert Linda Augsburg gives important information to get you started in embroidery. As you watch this 15-part series, Linda will demonstrate working stitches on fabric and on a crocheted swatch.

In this online video class, you'll learn:
  • Best fabrics, threads and needles to use for embroidery.
  • How to get stitches that are thicker and bold or thinner and delicate.
  • How to separate strands of floss and keep them from twisting around one another.
  • How to choose the right size hoop.
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